Talent, skills, disposition, and a heart to serve you

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The sanzMaxxon team
Together we make it happen

The sanzMaxxon customer experience has a simple single designated account manager, who coordinates the work of the overall internet team for the Ally, which includes a variety of positions for each program, including: 

  • Business expertise in the area of value added offerings and product launch psychology,

  • Graphic design and visual appeal expertise,

  • HTML / CSS / Java technical expertise,

  • Search engine algorithm expertise,

  • System and process integration expertise,

  • Marketing script expertise,

  • Several researchers,

  • Several writers,

  • An expert in the specific industry, and business. You… Our Ally... 
sanzMaxxon Team Image

Being on the team entails a level of effort and cooperation. Information about the product offerings, insights into consumer behavior and preferences, images of resources used to provide services, collection of data and referral statements from customers through personal interaction, ongoing evaluation of the site progress with input, and regular communication on feedback, performance, and potential expansion into new offerings.

The skills across the team build a website that looks and feels right to the customer base, has the exact functionality and application that is supported by our Allies’ businesses, creates the sense of urgency to take action, and reaches large volumes of people in the target market who are looking for the services of our Ally.

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