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SEO - Search Engine Optimization
Ensuring that the right things are provided and highlighted to deliver power to the search engines...

Optimization is the process of identifying through feedback, how the site is performing, and playing with items like keyword density (the amount of times a desired keyword appears within certain areas of text), and the actual combinations of words in the site pages, and relevant network landing pages. It is a process of iterations, rephrasing, adding new elements, at times adding new pages, and improving link quality. It is literally a never ending process, as the market, consumer preferences, technologies, product and service mixes, and competitive pressures will always be changing, and certainly require adjustments to continue having a leading online presence.

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Specialized software is used to gage ranking performance on search engines on hundreds of relevant keyword phrases that we track for each site. The keyword group performance should be perfectly correlated to business performance, or there has been a major oversight or mistaken assumption on why these searches are being done. Essentially, they better the ranking performance, the more calls and form submissions that will occur, and the lower the keyword performance, the less calls and form submissions will occur. A monthly report with keyword performance is submitted to our Ally Partner, so they can see the traffic volume and what customers are seeking when they arrive at the website. This is useful information to plan technology evolution or modifications to service offerings.

Some people believe that building a website is a project, but taking optimization into consideration, we can clearly see that the process of building the website never ends. Fine tuning the site is clearly an ongoing job, but an essential one. As a result of the optimization process, and assuming all other factors remain the same, site traffic and the business income derived from the website will increase consistently over the years.

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